White Asiatic Lily

Asiatic Lily

For thousands of years, the gorgeous Lily has been a symbol of life, creativity and good luck they are also known as are known as the “flower of good fortune”. They come in nearly every colour possible, which means there’s always a colour that’s a great fit for any occasion! White is normally associated with purity and heaven. Fresh and crisp, white lilies also represents purity and modesty, making them the flower of choice for funerals, and sympathy. White lilies are also a classic way to tell that special someone that you are on cloud nine with them and how much they mean to you. They are also a great addition to any bride’s bouquet to convey the purity of their love for their partner and commitment in marriage.

Sapphire Skies

Sapphire Skies

Teleflora #TEV25-3A
Beautiful In Blue

Beautiful In Blue

Teleflora #T209-3A


Roses, Lilies, Hydrangea
Purest Love

Purest Love

Teleflora #​TEV30-2A
Visions Of Love

Visions Of Love

Teleflora #​TLR03-1A
Arrive in Style

Arrive in Style

Teleflora #T55-2A
Beautiful Dreams

Beautiful Dreams

Teleflora #T209-1A


Popular Gift of all White Blooms
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Kelly S.

Ordered, and arrived on time! Very happy with the service & the easy-to-use website. I’ll use Canada Flowers again for sure!
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Canada flowers never lets me down! The arrangements are always abundant and fragrant. They also often have promotional codes that help with the cost of shipping.
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Meig N.

I placed an online order with the Calgary Canada Flowers. You know how you look at all the arrangements and you finally find the perfect one.....and you place the order and since you are hundreds of miles away you are not going to see what it will looks like...and you wait and wonder and hope that it will be something close to what you wanted....or at least nice..... Well Canada Flowers got it right in Spades!! I got a picture of it in a text and it was perfect! Just what I wanted!! The transaction was smooth as silk, the arrangement was amazing and the delivery was exactly what it was supposed to be!!! Canada Flowers I will certainly be back!! And I will recommend you to everyone in need of a florist!! A HUGE Thanks!
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Will A.

So many beautiful choices. The one we chose came with the same white vase and the most beautiful arrangement of white flowers I have ever seen. Just like the picture only much bigger and beautiful than I could have imagined. Your arrangement out shone every other Arrangement that was there. The main idea was to make cousin Judy pleased with our memorium to her. We are sure she was overjoyed with our arrangement that you designed.
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Jeanette W.