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Fruit Baskets & Gourmet Gift Baskets

Indulge in the perfect blend of flavour and thoughtfulness with our delicious, edible fruit and gourmet baskets - a gift that will be cherished by all. Each fresh, seasonal delight is handpicked and crafted by local florists across Canada, ensuring a truly personalized and professional touch. Ordering any of our gift baskets online guarantees top-notch quality, exceptional customer service, and utmost satisfaction. Give the gift of nature’s sweetness today and experience the joy of spreading happiness in every bite.

Fruit Baskets · Fruit and Gourmet Gift Baskets

Fruit & Gourmet

Indulge their sweet tooth and send them something sweet with fruit, chocolate and more!
FTD Fruit & Gourmet

FTD® Fruit & Gourmet

Fruit and gourmet gift baskets are always a popular choice and are welcome gifts for any occasion.
Teleflora Fruit & Gourmet · Teleflora’s Premier Florist

Teleflora Fruit & Gourmet

A gourmet gift basket is a thoughtful corporate, get well or thank you gift. Send one today!


The Gala

The Gala

A Big Basket with Variety!
Gourmet Picnic Basket

Gourmet Picnic Basket

Teleflora #​TF157-1
Chocolate Escape

Chocolate Escape

Excellent Chocolate Variety
Fruit, Tea & Cookies

Fruit, Tea & Cookies

Popular Gift Basket
Classic Fruit Basket

Classic Fruit Basket

Teleflora #​TF191-3
Delicious Delights Basket

Delicious Delights Basket

Teleflora #​T107-2A
Bon Vivant

Bon Vivant

Teleflora #​T107-1A
Simply Fruit

Simply Fruit

Fresh Fruit in a Basket
Fruit and Cheese Basket

Fruit and Cheese Basket

Cheeses Plus Fruit Together