
Canada Flowers roses are hand-arranged by professional florists across Canada, and then delivered fresh to the door - on time and on a budget! Florist-arranged roses benefit from the care, creativity and design expertise that only a professional floral designer can provide. We feel that florist-delivered roses offer the best long-term value for our customers. There are no extra service fees at checkout. Looking for a custom number of roses? Choose from 1-36 red roses using our new, easy-to-use rose selector.


Peaceful Clouds

Peaceful Clouds

Teleflora #TEV66-5
Canadian Winter

Canadian Winter

Seasonally-Inspired Flowers
Beautiful In Blue

Beautiful In Blue

Teleflora #T209-3A
Sweet & Pretty

Sweet & Pretty

FTD® #B35


Roses, Lilies, Hydrangea
Honey Lavender

Honey Lavender

Teleflora #TEV66-6
Peaceful Weather

Peaceful Weather

Purple & Mauve
Blissful Season

Blissful Season

Soft and Delicate
Google Review Img

Douglas T.

The flowers were delivered promptly and the recipient says they were "beautiful". Two happy customers. Well done!
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Danielle P.

They couldn't deliver the flowers the first day but delivered them the next in the early afternoon which was fine. I don't know how the flowers were as I did not speak to the person receiving them. I hope they were lovely and cheerful.
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Barbara Ann C.

Easy ordering & delivered at a good time same day! She took a photo of the flower arrangement to show me. Absolutely beautiful & Karen loves them!! I’ve always thought of daisies as happy flower, the lift Karen truly needed! Great job! Thankyou!
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Lise M.

We ordered a standing floral arrangement for my brother in law's funeral and it was lovely. Exactly as described. Very large and full with a lovely 'Brother' ribbon. The price was very reasonable and much less than the floral shop. Thank you.
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Nammy D.

Ordered a few days before delivery to my aunt who was moving into a seniors residence. Same day she moved in, beautiful flowers arrived ... and the CHOCOLATES! She was so happy!.
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Mare M.

Our friend absolutely loved and appreciated the cheese & cracker gift that we sent her from Canada Flowers so thank you very much, it was exactly as we'd hoped:-)
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Diane H.

I ordered these flowers On-Line. It was a very easy and user friendly process! I had them preordered to arrive for my Mother’s Birthday. This was a delivery made to a Nursing Home in Scarborough, Ontario. They arrived right when expected and my Mother was thrilled! Everything was exactly as shown on-line! Very pleased!