Teleflora Flowers & Gifts
Canada Flowers is a leading, award-winning Canadian Teleflora florist. We are pleased to offer new and exciting Teleflora floral catalogues for popular flower delivery occasions, seasons and holidays. Our beautiful Teleflora flowers are priced in Canadian dollars. Teleflora flowers are professionally arranged & hand delivered across Canada through our network of affiliated Teleflora Florists. Trust Canada Flowers for all your online flower sending needs. Service, quality and satisfaction are guaranteed. Now featuring Birthday Flowers and Budget Flowers. Enjoy!

Teleflora Fall
Canada Flowers is proud to offer a fantastic collection of Teleflora Fall Flowers for same day delivery across Canada.
Valentine's Day
A fantastic catalogue of Teleflora Valentine's Flowers for delivery across Canada.
Teleflora Anniversary
They stole your heart, now it's your turn to steal their attention with beautiful anniversary flower bouquets!
Teleflora Anytime
Florist-designed Teleflora Flower gifts priced in Canadian dollars, available for same day delivery.
Teleflora Birthday
A birthday flower delivery is the perfect way to help celebrate someone's special day.
Teleflora Congratulations
Send congratulations flowers to let someone know you're proud of their achievement.
Teleflora Easter
Featuring beautiful flowers for the Easter Holiday, and the Spring season.
Teleflora Friendship
Friends are the glue that keeps us together in good times and bad.
Teleflora Fruit & Gourmet
Fruit and gourmet gift baskets are always a popular choice and are welcome gifts for just about any occasion.
Teleflora Get Well
Featuring an easy-to-give collection of Teleflora bouquets suitable for get well giving.
Teleflora Plants
Plants, flowering plants, planter baskets and tropical plants delivered across Canada same day!
Teleflora Love & Romance
Our Teleflora Love and Romance flowers are hand-made by professional Teleflora codified florists!
Teleflora Maternity & New Baby
Welcome a new addition to the family with new baby flowers.
Teleflora Mother's Day
Welcome to our Teleflora Mother's Day Flowers catalogue full of beautiful flowers just for her!
Teleflora Premium
Teleflora's most luxurious and premium floral arrangements.
Teleflora Spring
Florist-designed Teleflora Flowers, beautiful seasonal bouquets for Easter and Spring.
Teleflora Summer
Teleflora Summer arrangements. Send someone special a bouquet of vibrant summer flowers!
Teleflora Thank You
Celebrate the kindness of others with colorful Thank You flowers hand-arranged and delivered by a local florist.
Teleflora Admin Prof Day
Canada Flowers now features special flowers perfectly suited for celebrating the most important contributors to any office, small business or large corporation!
Teleflora Father's Day
Surprise him with flowers, a fruit basket, or indoor plants from Teleflora. He'll love you for it!
Teleflora Funeral
Designed for display at the funeral home for visitation or services, or in the church or mortuary.