The FTD Pumpkin Dream Bouquet with Sunflowers and Orange Roses is a delightful expression of the season's beauty and a heartfelt way to send warm wishes to friends and loved ones. Whether you're celebrating the changing of the leaves, expressing gratitude, or simply sending a bit of autumn cheer, this bouquet is a wonderful choice that captures the spirit of the season. Its combination of sunflowers, orange roses, and charming pumpkin container makes it a unique and unforgettable gift for any fall celebration.
Please note the exact vase shown may not be available in all delivery areas across Canada. Where unavailable, a suitable alternative will be substituted. Please note that sunflowers are seasonal flowers, readily available from late summer to mid-autumn. Availability is limited at other times. When sunflowers are unavailable, large yellow Gerbera daisies or similar flowers may be substituted without notice.
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