Flower Delivery by Canada Flowers
Award winning Canadian Florist. Order flowers online with Canada Flowers for same day flower delivery across Canada. Beautiful bouquets and flower arrangements delivered by the best florists in Canada. Send Flowers with Canada Flowers where you can find the perfect bouquet for any occasion!
We feature well over 1500 beautiful flower arrangements and original bouquets delivered by the best FTD® and Teleflora florists in Canada. Our entire website offers fresh flowers for delivery and are designed for any occasion. All of our products are professionally designed and hand-delivered by a Canadian florist. Send Flowers across Canada from any catalogue on our website.

Valentine's Day Flowers
Shop for Valentine's Day Flowers for this romantic time of year with flowers delivered across Canada. Send roses, lilies, teddy bears, chocolates and more!
Birthday Flowers
Featuring our very own Canada Flowers Originals along with FTD® and Teleflora brand named selections that will make anyone's birthday a special one!
Sympathy Flowers
100+ arrangements, plants, gift baskets and more. All specially designed to express sympathy, bereavement and condolences during a time of loss.
Budget Flowers
Our Budget Flowers Collection is where elegance meets affordability. We offer quality blooms at prices that make gifting simple and stress-free.
Love and Romance
Send a heartfelt message with our curated collection of love and romance flowers, where every petal is a symbol of devotion, beauty, and timeless connection.
Anytime Flowers
A beautiful selection of fresh floral bouquets perfect for any occasion. With same-day delivery, you can brighten someone's day, no matter the moment.Popular

Original Flowers
1500+ original flowers, plants and fruit baskets over 60 catalogues covering all special occasions and sentiments.FTD®

FTD® Flowers
Hundreds of FTD® brand named arrangements, hand-made by professional FTD® florists.Teleflora

Teleflora Flowers
Exciting Teleflora catalogues with hundreds of popular Teleflora branded flower arrangements.Food & Wine