Exciting news is on the horizon! We are thrilled to announce our upcoming partnership with RMHC Canada

We are so very honoured to announce a heartwarming new partnership between CanadaFlowers.ca and Ronald McDonald House Canada! Be prepared to make a meaningful impact through our custom floral arrangements, where a portion of the proceeds will directly benefit RMHC Canada. Additionally, your donations at checkout will play a pivotal role in supporting this important cause. Together, we can create a significant difference for families in need. Two organizations renowned for spreading love and support are joining forces to significantly impact the lives of families in need. Through this collaboration, CanadaFlowers.ca will contribute a portion of its proceeds to Ronald McDonald House Canada, supporting its mission of providing a home away from home for families with sick children. This meaningful alliance embodies the spirit of giving and compassion, as every purchase made at CanadaFlowers.ca will now extend its reach to bring comfort, care, and hope to families during challenging times. Join us in celebrating this inspiring partnership that will undoubtedly bring a ray of sunshine into the lives of countless families nationwide; stay tuned for more updates and ways to get involved!!

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